Imagine yourself in this scenario, you went to a native doctor for money rituals and the only option is killing your mom or dad.
No doubt, we are in the age of civilization, enlightenment and technological advancement, and many old customs and traditions has been set aside, but one thing that still links us with our forefathers is the great lengths we still go to make money.
Money rules the day, but while our forefathers had more traditional means of making money, we have developed much more modern classs of making money.
Many of us believe that the age of “Money Rituals” is over, but I am sorry to bust your bubble because it still exists in different shapes and sizes.
What’s the definition of a Money ritual?Money Rituals are practices by some people who believe they can create wealth for individuals with the use of spells, charms, and sacrifices e.t.c.
Money rituals can be traced to various parts of Africa, but it can also be seen in many countries such as India, china and even the west, where people sell their kidneys (sacrifices) and different organs of their body to have access to this so called wealth.
The result of all this is usually seen as “Blood Money” and was commonly attributed to different traditional Gods such as Mbatuku (The Igbo spirit of wealth), Sango (The god of thunder), Mami wata(Witchcraft and sorcery) e.t.c.
Many people over the years have visited the shrines of these gods with the hopes that it will get them wealth. There have been news reports of people selling kidneys for ipads, iphones, cash, men sleeping with women and using them for rituals, women taking a man’s sperm and using for money making rituals, children’s heads, e.t.c, all in the name of money.
Well, the big question is,